BAS Electrochemical Webinar 2024 Winter

BAS Electrochemical Webinar 2024 Winter

BAS held the twenty first webinar, it was the tenth lecture in the field of coordination chemistry and electrochemistry, introduced by Prof. Masa-aki Haga, from Chuo University.

Theme of the webinar

Coordination Chemistry and Electrochemistry
10. Electrochemistry of Adsorbed species

Topic of the webinar

In the tenth lecture in the field of coordination chemistry and electrochemistry, the electrochemistry of adsorbed species on an electrode was discussed in three parts:

  1. The difference of the cyclic voltammograms shapes, when chemical species adsorbed on electrode
  2. The electrochemistry of self-assembled monolayers
  3. The kinds of molecular design required to immobilize the species on to the surface

Watch here what happened at the BAS Electrochemical Webinar 2024 Winter


last modified 2024/02/22