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Disk Replaceable Electrode assembly

Here are some manual instructions movies.
In this section, a guidance for the setup with an useful instruction for the handling of your Disk Replaceable Electrode (DRE) using the (Cat. No. 013608) DRE-DCP Disk electrode polishing and exchanging tool kit is explained.

Movie contents

The assembly of the DRE Disk Replaceable Electrode using (Cat. No. 013608) DRE-DCP Disk electrode polishing and exchanging tool kit and (Cat. No. 013362) DRE-GCK GC disk replaceable electrode kit is shown step by step in two movies.

  • Part 1: Front Assembly
  • Part 2: Rear Assembly (Available soon)

  • Part 1: Front Assembly
  • Part 2: Rear Assembly

Part 1: Front assembly

In the Part 1, the assembly of the (Cat. No. 013362) DRE-GCK GC disk replaceable electrode kit using (Cat. No. 013608) DRE-DCP Disk electrode polishing and exchanging tool kit from the front side is showed.
Assembling from the front side makes possible the polishing of the electrode after finished the assembly.

download.Download the DRE electrode assembly methods Part 1 movie

Part 2: Rear Assembly

Available soon

※ For polishing of the disc electrode, refer to the DRE electrode assembly methods Part 2: Rear Assembly.
※ The handling instruction movie for the assembly using the discountinued 013340 DRE-DCP Disk electrode polishing and exchanging tool kit, refer to 013340 DRE-DCP Disk electrode polishing and exchanging tool kit.


Click here for the instruction manual for the 013608 DRE-DCP Disk electrode polishing and exchanging tool kit manual.
※ There is also an explanation about polishing the disc electrode.

last modified 2024/02/28