Rotating Ring Disk Electrode Apparatus (RRDE-3A)

Rotating Ring Disk Electrode Rotator (RRDE-3) apparatus

1. Introduction

2. Instrument setup

View showing of Rotating Ring Disk Electrode

3. Connection of RRDE-3A and potentiostat

4. Motor and working electrode assemblies

5. Initial instrument operation

6. Operation

7. Maintenance of reproducible electrodes

8. General guarantees

9. Troubleshooting

10. Appendix. Electrodes and accessories

11. DRE Disk replaceable electrode

12. Technical note: Hydrodynamic Voltammetry Measurement Using
      Rotating Disk Electrode (RDE) and Rotating Ring Disk Electrode (RRDE)

      1) Introduction
      2) Rotating disk electrode (RDE) measurements
      3) Rotating ring disk electrode (RRDE) measurement

Catalog No. Product
012623 RRDE-3A Rotating Ring Disk Electrode Apparatus Ver.1.2


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last modified 2015/01/20